Helping you take care of your health is our specialty.

Our health experts are passionate about their profession

If our health promotion in the workplace program is so effective and recognized, it is in large part due to our skilled team of dedicated partners who are committed to your health and that of your employees. Health professionals whose contagious enthusiasm in promoting healthy lifestyle habits is as strong as their deep desire to help individuals take an active role in their health.

Christiane Laberge

Dr. Christiane Laberge, M.D.

“Change the things I can, accept the things I cannot change, and above all, know the difference!”

Roxane Néron

Dr. Roxanne Néron, M.D.

“Today, the large majority of diseases could be prevented by eating well, being more active, and quitting smoking.”



Jean-François Villeneuve

Jean-François Villeneuve, PsyD

Psychologist in behaviour modification

“There is no greater happiness than being in perfect health.”
Quote by Maxalexis; La vie est une science (2007)

Marie Christine Larocque

Marie Christine Larocque, MPsy


“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
Leonard Cohen

Manon Dulude

Manon Dulude, PsyD

Psychotherapist and coach

“Mental health is the foundation of our well-being!”

Julie DesGroseilliers

Julie DesGroseilliers, R.D.

Nutritionist, author, and speaker

“Making people happy and healthy, one bite at a time.”

Marie-Lou Filiatrault

Marie-Lou Filiatrault, R.D., M.Sc.


“Eat well, be more active, sleep like a baby, and love… that is the key!”

Jessika Langlois, R.D.


“Eating well is synonymous with happiness, health, discovery and simplicity.”



Shauna Lindzon, R.D.

Consulting nutritionist

“Diets don’t work, lifestyle changes do.”

Alexandre Paré

Alexandre Paré, M.Sc.

Kinesiologist, exercise psychology specialist

“Health through physical activity; the cure to premature aging.”

François Raymond

François Raymond, M.Sc.


“Take care of yourself, your body is the only place you’ll live in permanently.”

Olivier Bissonette

Olivier Bissonnette, B.Sc.


“Every properly executed workout strengthens the body and frees the mind.”

Claudia Labrosse

Claudia Labrosse, B.Sc.


“Physical activity doesn’t necessarily make you live longer, but rather live younger.”


Alex Rabindranath, B.A., R.Kin.

Kinesiologist and personal trainer

“We often disconnect our body and minds from one another, but in order for them to both flourish, we need them to integrate as one. This is my driving philosophy when training and teaching clients.”

Denyse Lecat


“Be the nurse you would want as a patient”

Ready to take advantage of our expertise in workplace health?