Adopting healthy lifestyle habits and management practices pays off! Let’s get to work!

Health solutions adapted to the needs of your organisation

Is health a priority for you? Great, because ours is helping organisations of all sizes promote healthy lifestyle habits and prevent chronic diseases. Specific interventions or complete health promotion program – our experts will guide you toward the solutions that are best suited to your workplace.

Health: an indivisible whole

This is why our interventions are developed by a team of health professionals (doctors, nutritionists, kinesiologists and psychologists) and focus on the individual, the environment, and management habits.

Our two areas
of intervention

saines habitudes de vie

Lifestyle habits

  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Weight management
  • Mental health
  • Sleep
  • Smoking
  • Disease prevention and management
saines habitudes de gestion

Management practices

  • Communication and conflict resolution
  • Autonomy and recognition
  • Reduction of presenteeism
  • Change management
  • Workload management
icônes santé au travail

Our engaging interactive solutions to promote health in the workplace

Curious to know what else our experts have to offer? Take a look at our complete range of fun, dynamic and effective tools and services adapted to organisations of all sizes.

Our complete program in four steps

icône besoins en matière de santé
Analyse your needs

Since your organisation is unique, our experts will first analyse your specific health-related needs.

icônes planifier les interventions santé
Plan the interventions

We then recommend tools and activities adapted to your needs and reality.

icône implanter un programme santé
Implement the program

Don’t worry! Our team will help you set up and promote every intervention.

Mesurer les résultats de vos investissement santé
Measure the results

Is health worth the cost? Find out thanks to our effective tool that calculates the return on your investment.

Ready to promote health in your organisation by focusing on prevention?